Hosting Customers - Adding/Deleting/Modifying Mailboxes

For Hosting Customers

IMPORTANT: If you are using our spam filteirng service for your domain, you MUST let us know (email when you add or delete mailboxes, aliases or forwards in your domain. If you do not notify us of changes, new mailboxes, aliases or forwards will not be able to receive mail.

If you are using our own domain name, MacConnect provides an easy way for you to add or delete mailboxes in your domain, change mailbox size, or to change passwords on existing mailboxes in your domain. Access our mail management interface here:

You can add email address in your hosting control panel

To access the control panel, point your browser to (make sure you use HTTPS and not HTTP). Note that you will get a warning in your browser about the SSL certificate on the site. It is safe to ignore the warning and continue. The control panel is protected by a legitimate SSL certificate issued by GeoTrust.

Once logged in, click the links on under "E-Mail Management" to manage your email accounts, forwards, auto-responders and such. Note that email stored on the server counts against your overall disk quota, so we strongly suggest setting the quota on your mailboxes to something like 500 MB or 1GB to avoid accidentally running out of room by not deleting old mail.

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